A Training Tripleheader: 3 Hours, 3 Important Subjects, 3 Refresher Workshops - OTTIAQ

A Training Tripleheader: 3 Hours, 3 Important Subjects, 3 Refresher Workshops


October 19, 2023, 9:00 a.m.to 12:00 p.m



Grant Hamilton

Duration: 3 hrs

Hour #1

Verbalize it!

Verb tenses have tripped more than their fair share of translators over the years. That’s because English and French don’t use verbs in exactly the same way. This workshop provides a quick look at issues like the present perfect, the historic present, and other fine points of verb use.

Hour #2

Getting Your Bearings: Essential geographic knowledge for FR>EN translators

It’s surprising how often geographical issues come up in translation. Sometimes just listing a business address can be problematic. There are very specific things you need to know about Quebec, Montreal, Canada, the U.S., France, Europe in general, even entire continents. This workshop is a great heads-up on issues you need to feel confident about in your daily work.

Hour #3

Spot the Gallicism!

Gallicisms lurk everywhere in Quebec, so we’ll be hunting them down and finding better alternatives. Some are obvious, others less so. How many can you spot?

Member: $105
Certification candidate: $105
Student member: $52.50
University mentee: $52.50
Member 65 and over: $52.50
Honour member: $52.50
Member of an OTTIAQ partnership organization: $105
Non-member: $185