2. Application review
Application with a Quebec degree
Your application will first be processed internally to verify that all documents submitted are valid and that your degree is recognized by the Order. If your application is accepted, you will receive a notification inviting you to complete our training on ethics, professional conduct and professional practice, which is mandatory for all new members. The application review process takes approximately one week.
Application for degree equivalency
Your application will first be processed internally to verify that all documents submitted are valid. Your application will then be transferred to our Certification Committee for review. The application may be accepted in full, accepted in part, or rejected. If your application is accepted in full, you will receive a notification inviting you to complete our training on ethics, professional conduct and professional practice, which is mandatory for all new members. If your application is accepted in part or rejected, our Certification Officer will contact you to explain the Committee’s decision. Applications are presented to the Committee on a first come, first served basis.
If you disagree with the decision, you may submit a request for review to the Appeals Committee. From the day that you receive your notice informing you of the Certification Committee’s decision, you will have 60 days to exercise your right to appeal. You must contact the Appeals Committee Secretary in writing to communicate your observations and, if applicable, attach a copy of any supporting documentation.
The application review process takes approximately six weeks.
Application for training equivalency
Your application will first be processed internally. Several of your work samples will be selected randomly and evaluated. After the evaluation process, your application will be transferred to our Certification Committee for review. The application may be accepted in full, accepted in part, or rejected. If your application is accepted in full, you will receive a notification inviting you to complete our training on ethics, professional conduct and professional practice, which is mandatory for all new members. If your application is accepted in part or rejected, our Certification Officer will contact you to explain the Committee’s decision. Applications are presented to the Committee on a first come, first served basis.
If you disagree with the decision, you may submit a request for review to the Appeals Committee. From the day that you receive your notice informing you of the Certification Committee’s decision, you will have 60 days to exercise your right to appeal. You must contact the Appeals Committee Secretary in writing to communicate your observations and, if applicable, attach a copy of any supporting documentation.
The application review process takes approximately four months, depending on the language pair.