French exam (OQLF) - OTTIAQ

French exam (OQLF)

La maîtrise du français est obligatoire pour tous les professionnels au Québec.

Pursuant to section 35 of the Charter of the French Language, candidates must have appropriate knowledge of French to be granted a title by the Order. Persons are deemed to have the appropriate knowledge if:

  • They have received no less than three years of full-time secondary or post-secondary instruction in French.



  • They have passed the fourth- or fifth-year secondary level examinations in French as a first language.



  • They obtained a secondary school certificate in Quebec as of the 1985–86 school year.


What does the exam involve?

The exam has four parts. The first part is a preparatory exercise in which candidates read and take notes on a case study related to their professional reality. The second part is an oral communication exercise in which candidates discuss the case in groups. Candidates must participate actively in the group discussion to continue to the next parts of the exam. In the third part, each candidate writes a text about the case. The final part is a one-on-one interview with the invigilator on new aspects related to the case.


New resources to prepare for the OQLF French exam

The Office québécois de la langue française (OQLF) is offering two new resources to assist individuals who have to take a French exam. It is providing them with a video and a mock case study so they can learn more about the exam and how it is conducted. The case study consists of three text samples that are similar in difficulty to those that will be used in the test, and the video presents an animation of the different steps involved.

The Order has also made a list of the names of organizations that can help you prepare for the exam.

The Order encourages you to benefit from these new resources.


Important information:

To register for the French exam, please click here.

For more information, please contact the Certification Officer at 514 845-4411, Ext. 1225.